Frequently Asked Questions
What is a 24×7 Home Inspection?
A 24 x 7 Home Inspection is a 2-3 hour thorough and in-depth visual examination of the structure and operating components of a home.
Why Do I Need a Home Inspection?
For the Buyer:
- Provides a detailed report of the condition of all functional, structural, and safety items at the property.
- Full disclosure helps you make an informed decision about one of the largest investments of a lifetime.
- Gives you confidence in your purchase.
- Unbiased inspection relieves fears.
For the Seller:
- An impartial pre-sale report increases buyer confidence.
- Helps you establish a fair selling price.
- Alerts you to items which need repair.
- Helps prevent delays in closing.
Can I do my own home inspection?
You can, but if there is a problem, and you have a home inspection contingency in your offer to purchase to break the contract if problems are found, in most cases you won’t be able to get out of the contract. Your uncle Frank or your father-in-law who are both builders can’t help you either. The law governing home inspections and real estate contracts states that the home inspection must be done by a Wisconsin licensed home inspector.
It is also good to have the home inspection done by someone who is not emotionally tied to the house. As a potential buyer, you may fall in love with the kitchen, the three car garage with a workshop or another aspect of the house. When that occurs, you may over look the crack in the basement wall or the sag in the floors.
Can a house fail a home inspection?
No. A professional home inspection is an examination of the current condition of the proposed home. It is not an appraisal, which determines market value, or a municipal inspection, which verifies compliance with local building codes. The inspection will bring to you, the buyer, information about any existing problems that you may not be aware of. The problems discovered may be minor or may be significant. It will allow you to decide if you can accept any issues that are discovered.
When do I call a home inspector?
As soon as the offer to purchase has been accepted. Many times you have as few as seven days to have the home inspection done. Home inspectors may be busy and can’t get to your house for several days, so the sooner that you call, the better the chance of getting the home inspection done at everyone’s convenience. After choosing a home inspector, you need to work with your realtor of seller. The realtor will make arrangements for you and the inspector to get into the house at the appointed time.
Can I be at the home inspection?
Yes. At 24×7 Home Inspections, I encourage you to be at the inspection and follow along. I will take the time to explain things during the inspection process such as: explain how the furnace works, the electrical systems, where to shut off the water if there is a leak, discuss the well system and water softener. As a buyer, you may have questions about the aspects of the house that I may not report on, so the more questions you ask, the more you will learn about the house.
When do I get the home inspection report?
Wisconsin law requires that you have the completed written report within three days of the inspection. A 24×7 Inspection Report is given to you within 24 hours. I will also take the time to explain the report and answer all of your questions.
What if the home inspection report reveals problems?
It is not uncommon for even brand new houses to have issues. A house, just like anything else can have poor workmanship, defective or worn out parts or systems, or just need some delayed maintenance or TLC. Any problems that affect the structural components, safety or health, or adversely affect the useful life of the house are issues that you should discuss with your realtor. Home inspections do not report on cosmetic aspects of the house. The inspector is required to report on the structure, safety, and proper operations of the systems, etc. not the color of the carpet or that the wallpaper is pealing in the corner.